火车消息提醒助手-UK Train Alert


UK TRAIN ALERT#是在英国国家铁路运输公司(Rail Deliver Group)实习工作中经历的项目。在为期8周的时间内,我们和RDG客户体验与创新部门的研究人员就火车消息提醒的问题进行了人种志研究。

UK TRAIN ALERT# was a project I worked on during my internship with the Rail Delivery Group (RDG), the UK’s national rail transport company. Over an 8-week period, our team collaborated with RDG’s Customer Experience and Innovation department researchers to conduct an ethnographic study on the effectiveness of train alert notifications.

研究问题Research Problem


The goal was to explore the current passenger experience with train travel, particularly focusing on improving alert services for passengers with high punctuality demands.




The research team was divided into two groups, each devising role-play scenarios for the other group’s volunteers to blind-test. By observing volunteers during these sessions and conducting post-experience interviews, we gained valuable insights into the psychological and behavioral impact of delays on passengers. We studied how commuters react and respond to changes in train schedules, delays, or cancellations across various timeframes. This allowed us to uncover key opportunities for enhancing user experience.



Using a snowball sampling method, the research team recruited volunteers that matched our target user profiles. The design team developed an innovative toolkit to guide the interview process and extract deeper insights from participants.

亲和图HMW Affinity Diagram (HMW)


Through affinity mapping, several interesting insights emerged. For example, users expressed a preference for authoritative sources delivering train delay information via a combination of text and visuals. Moreover, passengers desired better ways to spend time during delays.

界面(部分)UI (demo)
交付设计方案之后我们遇到的挑战Challenges Faced After Delivering the Design

最大的挑战是开发资源的问题。当时的head of customer service office说我们评估了当下的资源不得不调整方案的预期,如果有更快速低成本的方案来实现会是一个好主意。于是我们重新规划了了第一版app上线必须cover的scenario和feature。

The biggest challenge we faced was the limitation of development resources. The head of customer service informed us that due to resource constraints, we had to adjust our expectations. A faster, more cost-effective solution was needed. As a result, we redefined the scenarios and features that the first version of the app would need to cover.


We simplified or removed several complex features based on cost and practicality, while still ensuring the app could deliver the essential functionality.

这段实习经历给我带来的收获和思考 Key Takeaways from This Internship

这段经历给我带来的最大收获其实是在沟通上,我自己的性格为我带来了比较强的创造力(根据belbin测试结果),但缺点是我一直以来在沟通上不够严谨,在这段时间内为我带来了很大的麻烦。整个西方思维给我的观感是生活上瞎来,工作上极为严谨。通常他们在沟通中对于“什么事情一定发生过”“什么事情可能发生过”“什么事情不太可能发生过”有明确的沟通,并且很少会使用“I think”这种主观臆断的沟通方式。“张口就来”的问题使得我给团队带来了一些困扰。



One of the most significant lessons I learned was about communication. According to the Belbin test, my personality leans towards creativity, but my lack of precision in communication has often caused issues. In this internship, I learned the importance of being meticulous in professional communication. In Western work culture, there’s a strong emphasis on clear distinctions in communication: what is certain, what is possible, and what is unlikely. Expressions like “I think” are avoided in favor of more concrete language.

Another takeaway is that as designers, we should not aim for the ideal solution in our minds. While designers often have a burning passion for their vision, the process of implementation can be frustrating. This requires a shift in mindset: we must design with clear objectives in mind, focusing on achievable goals rather than the most ideal design.

This was my first UX project that made it to production. I still remember the moment I first saw the interface we designed come to life. It reminded me of a saying: “The artist who stands before their own creation is undoubtedly the happiest person in the world.”


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